Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ingrid Steeger Casual (un)Dress Friday!

This week we have a little time to relax with Ingrid Steeger. Aside from I, A Groupie I was really unfamiliar with her, though I'm sure I've seen a few films that she has starred in over the years.  And then I found out that she was the Mannequin from the dance sequence in Vampyros Lesbos.
Gold collection attained-time to go over some Steeger sexiness!


Mike H said...

Thank you David... Thank you Ingrid! I too will be keeping my eyes VERY open for more Ingrid!

dfordoom said...

She does look cute wearing a tricorne hat and nothing else.

DOC TERROR said...

Clearly they are the pigtails that KILL! Excellent pic comp.