Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hong Kong LD--Drinking Devil's Honey With some Robot Jox!

More HK LD...some really rare ones here.  The cover for Fulci's THE DEVIL'S HONEY is quite the shot eh?  One of my favorite discoveries in Chinatown was that AMAZONIA disc...I have a strange soft spot for the film, which has popped up on multiple DVDs, and it had a great jacket. 
And yes...Mortal Kombat Annihilation!


Mike H said...

XTRO 3! Who knew?!

David A. Zuzelo said...

I knew it was out there (har har), but have not seen it. Yet.

Anonymous said...

Leathernecks on laserdisc! I've been looking for that one for a while now... Good find.