Thursday, March 25, 2010

Violent Shit 4 World Premiere!

Well, this is not exactly in my neighborhood, but I'd love attend this.  It is strange, but I feel like the Violent Shit movies have just always been around.  I can't even count how many times I've watched them or shared them with friends...and this looks like another fun installment of utter gore mayhem. 
Karl vs. Axe! Andreas Schnaas! Timo Rose!  Me glued to my TV!  Watch the teaser trailer and feel your jaw DROP to the floor in awe!!


Paul Cooke aka Buckaroobanzai said...

RoseSchnaas are red, Violence is Too, Timo & Andreas are coming for you :) . You read it here first Folks.

David A. Zuzelo said...

Lets use that for the UK/US Premieres!