Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mammoth Monsters Make Mighty Mayhem

Monster Time...thanks to one little reference to a Blue Oyster Cult song I'm feeling VERY monster-iffic!!
Now with more GAMERA!!




Mike H said...

There's always room for monsters! Super selection of monsteriffic goodness! Thanks!

Lars Jacobsson said...

No love for Gamera? :(


Mike H said...

This post inspired me to watch GORGO last night.

David A. Zuzelo said...

How could I forget Gamera?? One of my favorite items from the Japanese DVD purchasing days is a big boxset of all the films...updated the post.
GORGO! GORGO! I love it...

I don't know if I ever saw that Yongarry vs. Cyker film, I'll have to check it out.

Lars Jacobsson said...

Now the cosmic balance is in order again. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great monster memories! Saw some of these when they were first released (In the US). Great then, still great today!
"Gamera is a friend to children." -Gamera vs.Gaos

dfordoom said...

"thanks to one little reference to a Blue Oyster Cult song"

And a great song it is too! Go go Godzilla!