Monday, November 05, 2007

Yor Week Returns!! Juan Zanotto book IN HAND!!

Have you ever had an item from your want list pop up unexpectedly for a reasonable price? I do on occasion, but very very VERY few items have given me the satisfaction of the arrival of the gorgeous color volume of YOR, IL CACCIATORE from Italy this morning. Maybe you remember my YOR WEEK? If not, click the link and see one mans obsession laid bare.
Now, I have at least some of the original source for Antonio Margheriti's movie and look forward to seeing what was used and tossed aside. Here are some scans for you to enjoy a bit of my happiness. Zanotto's artwork would feel at home in the later Warren magazines for sure.
More as I get to reading and translating this 150 page book...

The Cover of the Casa Editrice Eura YOR album

The first page of volume 1

and the last page. Dig that montage and the appearance of....

Yor's World...he's the man! When he's TRIPPIN'!

Yor throws down with some barbarian women. Reb Brown probably wishes this was in the script. Those same women then they toss our man in to the water to fight a giant OCTOPUS! And a giant SHARK!!

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