Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Walker + Vibenius in Re-Title Mania

Sure, I said the Thriller-A Cruel Picture / They Call Her One Eye was over... but there were TWO things missing. First, I never got a nice photo of the amazing Italian one-sheet. Nothing I could do on that front sadly...
However, I snapped a photo of this one sheet from my collection and then forgot about it. Here we have Thriller (as HOOKERS REVENGE) teamed up with Pete Walker's House of Whipcord!! What a deal...that would be a nice ticket to have had. Enjoy!

After the kiddies arrived this one had to come down...but I sure do love it. Click to read "what they are saying" about this classic.


Greg Baty said...

Fantastic poster and double-feature!

Benjamin Hall said...

Thanks for the link and the comment!!!

Your blog is fantastic! I really enjoyed reading all the back story behind the making of the film and all the great promos!

What a treat!