Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Deep Red #7

Going through book boxes is always fun for me...and after placing the Cannibal Book in it's rightful place I almost immediately stumbled on this gem.  Deep Red #7 was released as a limited hardcover edition and I remember vividly getting it in the mail.  Chas. Balun was certainly important to me as a horror fan as well as someone that enjoys writing about the genres that I enjoy so much.  Right around this time it all came together at a FantaCo convention in Albany N.Y.
Sure Dario Argento was there to present Opera to an eager audience. Sure it was a ton of fun to meet all the different folks from the zine world that attended. But the king of them all was Chas. Balun. A giant of a man, a horror hippy and a voice that motivated me to realize it wasn't what you knew about-it was how you share it.  After we talked for a bit he invited me to submit a piece on Lucio Fulci for what would become Deep Red Alert #2 sometime later...the amount of work he did with me on that little article (published as David Quinn for several odd reasons) was something I always cherished. 
Plus, the guy had insane letterhead.

So, this book holds a whole lot of significance for me...but it isn't just a hardcover 'zine from one of the greatest Editors/Horror fans of all time!  Nope, it has one of the coolest autographs I've ever received inside.  Steve Bissette sure knows how to sign a book right-and it makes this book even better and more unique in my small collection of items I'd never be able to part with. 

Click for full size scan


CiNEZiLLA said...

Hell Yeah! That's one bitching issue of Deep Red. I've got it too here right next to me on the pile of reference stuff as I recently re read a few pieces after Balun passed. They just don't make 'em like that anymore do they!

Great autograph too BTW.

David A. Zuzelo said...

They really don't build zines like this one any more...a frickin' HARDCOVER no less. I sure do miss Deep Red.