Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Pyuniverse - The Weird Worlds of Albert Pyun is up and running!

The first weekend of THE PYUNIVERSE is well under way with a ton of items and many more to come posted for your Pyuntasmic Pyunigilsm. No, I never get tired of stretching my vocabulary with fake words that start with "PY" either.  A celebration of all things Albert P, there are poster images, Turkish VCD covers, reviews and more all ready for you to take in. 
Frankly, I'm excited to be a part of this with my friends at Ninja Dixon and Ballistic Blood Bullets, we have a lot of world spanning enthusiasm to share and I hope Pyuniversal Soldiers and those who feel his filmography is Pyuny will check it out, comment away and share in the fun not just of the movies, but of sharing the movies and the experiences they give those who dig them. 

Check it out TODAY at THE PYUNIVERSE!!

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