Monday, March 29, 2010

Favorite European Trash Cinema Images - Wild Wild Planet

Keep blasting!!!  My favorite European Trash Cinema image of the day is from the always groovy, super awesome and megaultrafun WILD WILD PLANET, directed by Antonio Margheriti.  His SF films are loaded with great images, but this scene with fire blasters and body molds is my favorite sequence of them all!  I saw this film for the first time when it was released on Laserdisc, but I can only imagine my reaction if I was looking at it as a kid!  It still makes me go OOOOOOOOOOOOhWAH!

The scene!!

The Trailer!!

1 comment:

dfordoom said...

Wild Wild Planet is magnificent. I love Italian sci-fi in general, and it's probably the best of them all.