Saturday, January 02, 2010

Even more old graphics in the new New Year!

Yes indeed..there is Lina Romay...again!  Part 2 of my decade of recovered images has begun. If you missed Part 1, you can start there.  The above was done for GASP ETC. some time back and the article is also on this blog. 
Then we have 3 images for Bruce Holecheck. He has started his blogging adventures, but years ago he came to me with the name CINEMUCK. This is what I made of it.


I've also done a good number of images for The Eurotrash Paradise, a group started by Bob "Videooze" Sargent and Neil "Sifu of all things artistic" Vokes.  The Gravy Sweats one...ya had to be there.


And then there was another CineXtremist column that went unpublished...

And here is the Australian Tour Edition signature sheet for TOUGH TO KILL.  These are the only books that actually have both Paul and I signing them. I don't even have one! 

And here are some GREAT early graphics by Vince Corkadel!

And finally, the "web serial" that never happened those many moons ago, THE MAGNIFICENT SHADOW FIGHTERS.  The art here is from the pitch for Indie Gods Publications.  Art by Cristian Alaminos-it never happened due to some scheduling problems-though I would still LOVE to do this story and dedicate it to old school Tomb of DVD icon, Sifu Linn Haynes.  He loved the pitch that had a team of relentless video hunters operating out of a shop owned by a real life crew of ninja.  Ah...someday.

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