It made me feel funny just remembering all the naughty delights of this Edwige Fenech, Rosalba Neri sleaze-o-thon...it made me think of...
SEXY SEXPLOITATION! A mix of American and Euro delights this time-that Apocalypsis Sexual poster is one I'd love to own!

Wow those are the greatest! The Girls Wholl Do anything look like a Robert McGuinnes- and is Sex Pot Swingers Frazetta? Or Jack Davis?
Thats when movie posters were cool!
Be sure to check out the original post that is linked at the top. I LOVE this kind of artwork!
Sweet Suzy is actually Blacksnake which Meyer tried ot distance himself from. Its one of two films that he really hated the outcome. The other was called 7 seconds
I really like Blacksnake myself-David Warbeck and Russ Meyer, now that is a combo ;)
The poster for THE GIRLS WHO'LL DO ANYTHING is the same artwork from the Italian film LA NOTTATA (which never had an English release as far as I know). Was the artwork stolen, or are they perhaps the same film?
Here's a Turkish poster for LA NOTTATA:
Even More Importantly !!! David, your Avatar ... Cobra Gang. Is that for real on DVD !???. What a Cool movie poster style. Please tell me the movie exists :) . Paul
Wow! Those are awesome. I love them all. I really get a kick out of posters like these.
I do as well-these posters are so inspirational to me it is amazing. They are poster art at the purest-they sell the film with so much hyperbole and tempting images it doesn't matter if the actual films pay off or not.
Can you imagine a world where every exploitation film was as good as the poster. I'd need a catheter, a way to shower in front of my tv and a bubble of silence to get through them all!
top sensation is one of the sleaziest and, naturally, most fun films in the euro-sexploitation genre. the scene with edwige fenech and a goat alone is worth the price of admission, and rosalba neri — the way she radiates evil, she'd been burned at the stake in the middle ages, i tell you. she would have made a damn good poison ivy, if, say, jess franco or joe d'amato had made a batman movie. sad they don't make movies like this anymore.
kaushik karforma
Top Sensation and The Goat! For a perfect double feature you need Black Candles I guess :)
I agree, a sleazy gem that deserves a nice digital release.
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