And now I have... and though it really isn't anywhere as great as Eyes Behind The Stars, it is also nothing like that film.
Nope, this is a sex comedy that dares ask the question..."do they fuck?"
Worth watching? Sure... but here are the highlights if you don't need to track it down!

HOLY SHIT! An Italian one sheet for this wild and cool film by some director named Mario Gariazzo! EYES BEHIND THE STARS!! Go see it sex comedy fans!!

Hmm...three of them...THREE OF US! Let us pretend to be aliens my geeky Eurotrashy Friends. LET US BE LAID LIKE WE ARE FROM BEHIND THE STARS!!

The teacher and her hot friend are stunned to see ALIENS land by their little villa.

And what aliens these three are. They pull off an elaborate hoax involving fireworks, music and rubber tubing to get the women out of their clothes. What mystifies me though, is what does this subtitle mean??

They get tired from all the sex, so Aliens EAT EVERYTHING IN THE FRIDGE!!

The ladies can entertain themselves though. Very well by the way.

But, Aliens need love too, and they get plenty. Until...

The ruse is revealed and everyone humps happily ever after. Personally, I'd rather see the rubber costume on that dude on the left.
While it is indeed simple and not very funny... I found this a real treat to watch. A perfect after Eyes Behind The Stars shot of EuroTRASH!
While it is indeed simple and not very funny... I found this a real treat to watch. A perfect after Eyes Behind The Stars shot of EuroTRASH!
it looks like a classic triple x film, but there seems to be a softer side to it. Looks interesting enough though.
It is indeed very much like an old adult flick, but keeps things softcore. Pleasant viewing though, more funny for simply existing than anything it does. The cross promoting between this and Eyes Behind The Stars just fascinates me!
OH MY GOD. That looks like so much fun.
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