Yor week continues with some images that I've found from various sources detailing the comic book root of Yor's big adventure across the silver screen. I've searched for some time for Yor in comics, never realizing that the original title was actually HENGA, and was redubbed Yor for the Italian market. Thanks to Hayato for the information, and Team Yor-O-Trash will redouble the effort to find complete comics to view of this saga. Until then...enjoy these images and we present them in honor of Juan Zanotto, Henga's creator whose body of work looks ripe for even more filmic fury (oh Edoardo.....take a peek at Falka-it would be perfect with girls, guns and All Terrain Vehicles!)
An interesting thing to note for Yor fans, it appears that Zanotto worked with film maker Russell Mulcahey on the storyboards for Highlander 2, and no matter how good/bad the film turned out, the connection actually makes sense with some really interesting and wacky sequences.
Mr. Zanotto passed away last year, and though I may be a latecomer, I'm looking forward to experiencing as much of his work as possible. So strike up your Oliver Onions and enjoy Yor's World in sequential images!

Wow, great pics!! I love the artwork, it reminds me of Mark Schultz's "Xenozoic Tales"...
I noticed you got some pics from the Agentinian version, as it is written in Spanish. That made me wonder... is there any US edition available? In case there you get the complete scans set from the Argentinian version, I can help you with some translations (I'm from Spain), in case you were interested in doing so...Just let me know in case you are interested.
Well, I must go now, see you next sunday! Keep up with your superb YOR week!!!!
Hey there Hayato! There are not any US editions, but indeed there are Argentinian and Italian ones out there. I found a set of Henga volumes but it had already been sold (for only Sixty Dollars, I would have paid that easily!!)...Once I find some, I will definitely work on translations-and I'll keep your offer in mind if they arrive as Henga instead of Yor ;)
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